Note this movie is in French with English subtitles.

When Commissaire Pierre Niemans (Jean Reno, Léon: The Professional), France's leading serial killer investigator, is called to examine a grisly murder, he enters a world of secrets, lies and unthinkable horrors. The dead, whose hands and eyes have been removed, are clues to a terrible tradition the killer can no longer bear. Each murder means something more; each victim, a guilty conspirator in a grand immoral experiment. Filled with blood-chilling suspense, twisted turns and breathtaking locations in the French Alps, this tense thriller has the style, action and intelligence to keep you wondering what's really happening right up until its shocking conclusion. Directed by Mathieu Kassovitz (La Haine) and featuring Vincent Cassel (Eastern Promises), Nadia Farès (The Nest), Dominique Sanda (The Conformist), Philippe Nahon (I Stand Alone) and Jean-Pierre Cassel (Army of Shadows).