Onetouch Logbook By LifeScan

LifeScan Logbook Diabetic

OneTouch Diabetic Logbook is used to track blood glucose results from diabetes testing. Glucose results and matching events are recorded in the logbook to allow tracking over time. This tracking method helps you and your attending Person determine over time if your diabetes management program requires any adjustments. OneTouch Logbook is also useful to measure and monitor the impact of daily exercise and foods consumed. 

OneTouch Diabetic Logbook Features & Benefits

The One Touch Log Book allows you to easily record your blood glucose test results, allowing you to compare them overtime. The data shows you and your healthcare professional if you’re diabetes management program is working for you, or if you need to make adjustments. The OneTouch Log Book helps you keep track of daily events like meals and exercises and shows how they can affect your blood glucose levels.
