Ceylon Ayurveda Lehyam Men Women Power Enhance Healthy Energy Stress Relieve 


Pepper, Ginger, Long pepper, Terminalia bellirica, Myrobalan, Cumin, Green Aru, Myhana Kottang, Coriander, Savinda Salt, Kalisa Leaves, Palm Bark, Blue Lotus, Anise, Licorice, Black Fenugreek, Cardamom, Cinnamon bark, teja leaves, Bee honey, ghee, sugar, hemp seeds roasted in ghee and crushed leaves are twice the weight of all sugar.


Size : 50g (5piece)


Use 3 to 6 grams twice a day (Can be consumed with milk or with an ayurvedic drink like “Ranawara” or “Belimal”) This elixir is highly active and would give immediate results.

Ideal for married couples to use consistently who want to “keep the spark of the relationship alive” according to ancient Ayurvedic literature.

To boost stamina and achieve maximum results, consume one portion of the elixir one hour prior to sexual intercourse. It can be used consistently according to requirement.

For diabetic patients using this elixir with a “Belimal” (Aegle marmelos) drink would be helpful to control and cure diabetes. It would also help with drowsiness, lethargy & sexual importance that can occur due to Diabetes and would energize the whole body.

No side effects, 100% Natural indigenous medicament.

This is a medicine that has been formulated by “Ceylon Ayurvedic” for longer term use, In order to make people live healthy, Happy and long-lasting lives.


IMPORTANT : This medicine should NOT be consumed by pregnant women, small children and physically sick individuals.


Please contact us with more details. We can give you Ayurveda Doctor advice. Thank you!