USB 3.0 auf VGA Video Adapter Kabel Konverter 1080p für PC Laptop Windows 7/8/10
1080P USB 3.0 zu VGA Adapter Externes Video Kabel für Laptop PC Projektor TV
This cable allows USB 3.0 devices to connect to VGA displays so you can share or watch your media on a TV or projector. The connected display can act in various ways such as primary, extended, mirrored and multi display.
Add-on monitor, LCD or projector through a single USB 3.0 port.
Hot-plug: add or remove monitor without system reboot.
Functions including primary, extended, mirror, display rotation, identify monitor and multi-display control panel.
No external power need USB power supply. VGA resolution: Maximum: 1920x1080p/60hz
Supports high resolution up to 1920 * 1080.
Automatically detects the best resolution of your monitor.
Multi-display super speed.
This product needs original USB3.0 computer interface in order to achieve a resolution of 1920 * 1080, if using USB2.0 or HUB USB3.0 interface, the resolution can only reach 800 * 600.
100% brand new and high quality.
Support PC, Laptop USB 2.0/3.0 input
Support video output: VGA signal
Compatible with USB 3.0
Support USB 3.0 and below (Support USB 2.0 resolution @800*600)
Connectivity: Up to 6 adapters on a computer
System support: Windows 7 / 8
Operation System Support:
Windows Os:win 7, win 8, xp(only supports max. resolution 800x600)
Does not support Mac OS
1920 * 1080, 16 / 32 Bits.
1600 * 1200, 16 / 32 Bits.
1680 * 1050, 16 / 32 Bits.
1440 * 900, 16 / 32 Bits.
1400 * 1050, 16 / 32 Bits.
1360 * 768, 16 / 32 Bits.
1280 * 1024, 16 / 32 Bits.
1280 * 960, 16 / 32 Bits.
1280 * 800, 16 / 32 Bits.
1280 * 720, 16 / 32 Bits.
1280 * 768, 16 / 32 Bits.
1152 * 864, 16 / 32 Bits.
1024 * 768, 16 / 32 Bits.
800 * 600, 16 / 32 Bits.
1 x USB3.0 to VGA Adapter

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