Comprised of two hoofs from a cloven hoof beast, probably bovine, hollowed and abutted with a finely woven split cane band. Matching cane collar and original wood plug. Suspension loop to hang in the beams of the house. Ifugao fetishes were consecrated and placed in the beams of the lodge houses along with the skulls of victims. This one evidently relates to the hunt and assures success.

This exquisite art piece originates from the Pacific Islands and is a must-have for collectors of ethnographic antiques. The IFUGAO HEADHUNTER'S FETISH CONTAINER is made from a combination of hoof and weave, showcasing the intricate craftsmanship of the region's local artisans.

It serves as a stunning decorative piece for any home or office, with its unique design and historical significance. This item is perfect for those who appreciate cultural art and want to add a touch of the Pacific Islands to their collection.