Water is stored in the trunk, causing it to swell and take the shape of a bottle. An easily cultivated species that can withstand relatively low temperatures.

The Queensland bottle tree got its name from the swollen trunk that has the shape of a bottle. The tree stores water in the trunk that can be used during dry periods. In nature, this tree can reach a height of 20 meters, but because of its slow growth, this won’t be quickly achieved in colder climates. In its natural habitat, the tree can survive temperatures between -10 and +50 degrees Celsius, which is why its ability to adapt is very high. In addition, the bottle tree is not picky when it comes down to types of soil and it easily recovers after it is repotted. It’s not exactly known what the minimum temperature for this species is, but it’s for the best if you protect this plant against temperatures below -10 degrees Celsius. Provide a sunny spot.

Sowing description: Sow the seeds in sowing mix and let them germinate at 25-30 degC. Keep the soil constantly moist.

Family: Malvaceae
Scientific name: Brachychiton rupestris
Common name: Queensland bottle tree
Native to: Australia

Sowing time: Whole year
Difficulty: Intermediate
Minimum temperature: -10 degrees Celcius