Александр Аксенов. Энциклопедия Знахаря

The book is in good vintage condition. Pages are a little yellowed. Because the book has been stored in a garage, it may smell like damp pages. Look at the photos carefully and make a purchase decision carefully!

The text can be translated with your smartphone using a translator.

A. Aksenov: Encyclopedia of the Witch Doctor

From the manufacturer The author of the book is the famous healer A.P. Aksenov. All over the world there are admirers of his talent as a Witch Doctor, Healer of soul and body. The book summarizes the author's many years of experience in healing people from both bodily and spiritual ailments. The reader will find in it practical recommendations for all occasions, learn about the fourth dimension, about witches and sorcerers, about the types of witchcraft, about how to resist it. 3000 recipes for the treatment of various diseases with medicinal plants.