Seven Rooms

Author(s): Dominic Jaeckle, Jess Chandler, Gareth Evans, Mario Dondero, Erica Baum, Jess Cotton, Rebecca Tamas, Stephen Watts, Helen Cave,, Daisy Lafarge, Holly Pester, Matthew Gregory, Olivier Castel, Emmanuel Idum Hugunin,, Levina van Winden, Aram Saroyan, Glykeria Patramani, Will Oldham, Antonio T Schtinter,, the Wayne Koestenbaum papers ( Yale's Beinecke Rare Book & Manuscript Libr Divola.
Format: Paperback
Publisher: Prototype Publishing Ltd., United Kingdom
Imprint: Prototype Publishing Ltd.
ISBN-13: 9781913513467, 978-1913513467


Seven Rooms brings together highlights from Hotel, a magazine for new approaches to fiction, non-fiction & poetry which, since its inception in 2016, provided a space for experimental reflection on literature's status as art & cultural mediator. Co-published by Tenement Press and Prototype, this anthology captures, refracts, and reflects a vital moment in independent publishing in the UK, and is built on the shared values of openness, collaboration, and total creative freedom.