This species is seen by many as the most beautiful palm species in the world. This is not only because of its unusual bright red trunk and leaf stem, but the leaves are also very decorative.

This species is seen by many people as the most beautiful palm species in the world. This is of course due to the special, bright red trunk and petioles, but the leaves are also very decorative. Originally the species grows in the tropical flood forests of Thailand, Malaysia. and Indonesia, making it resistant to flooding. In these areas the palm can reach a height of 16 meters, but in cultivation the species remains a lot smaller. The palm has a slender, slow growth with multiple shoots and forms the red color at a young age. When taking care of it, it is important that the humidity is high, the soil is constantly moist and well-drained, and that the temperature is between 20 and 30 degrees Celsius. Really tropical, which makes it not the easiest variety for the living room. However, if you can provide the right conditions, it is a spectacular strain for the collection. In English, the species is often called 'Red Sealing Wax palm'. because the red color resembles the wax used to seal letters.

Sowing description: Seeds have a short shelf life so it is best to start sowing on time. They can first be soaked in water for a few days and then sown in sowing and cutting soil. Keep the soil constantly moist and let it germinate at 25 to 30 degrees Celsius. Germination often follows after a few weeks, but can also take months (as long as the seeds are hard).