Carnation Gift Bag

Beautiful Soap Bouquets are artistically arranged and beautifully presented in a gift bag.

They are a perfect addition for a relaxing romantic bath or you can even use individual petals as guest soaps.

Beautifully packed these Soap Flowers are a perfect gift, wedding favours, Christmas stocking filler or just a little treat for yourself.

Approx size: 20 x 15 x 15cm

Directions for use

Just add a one or two flowers to your warm bath, relax and watch the cute flowers dissolve right before your very eyes.

You will enjoy Colourful Water and a Great Scent. It leaves your skin soft, silky, and smelling wonderfully fresh.

Greenery is artificial and not dissolvable


Glycerin, Dodecyl Sodium Sulfate, Polyvinyl Alcohol, Cocamidopropyl Betaine, Cocamide DEA, Zea Mays (Corn) Starch, Parfum, Aqua, (+/- CI 19140, CI 42090, CI 18050, CI 47005, CI 16255, CI 14720, CI 45430)