A hardy passionflower, with flowers in varying in color from pale white to pink and purple. The passionfruits are edible and very delicious.

A winter hardy passionflower that is very suitable to grow in the garden. As young plants are more fragile, they can best be protected against lower temperatures with straw or a layer of leaves. The flowers of the Maypop passionflower are varying in color from pale white to pink and purple. The passionfruits are known in the US as ‘Maypop’ and are edible. The plant can grow very decoratively against a wall or fence, with preferably as much sun as possible.

Sowing description: Soak the seeds for 24 hours in orange or lemon juice, after which they can be sown in sowing mix. Keep the soil constantly moist, cover with plastic foil or glass, and let the seeds germinate in a warm and bright spot inside the house. Germination may take a few weeks or months.

Family: Passifloraceae
Scientific name: Passiflora incarnata
Common name: Maypop passionflower
Native to: United States

Sowing time: Whole year
Difficulty: Intermediate
Minimum temperature: -18 degrees Celcius