For sale, three (3) x Dungeons & Dragons Accessory Books:
  • Defender's of the Faith - A Guidebook to Cleric and Paladins
  • Tome and Blood - A Guidebook to Wizards and Sorcerers
  • Song and Silence - A Guidebook to Bards and Rogues
These paperback TSR books are clean, with unmarked pages. There is slight wear on the covers.

More information (from Manufacturer):

About Defenders of the Faith:

This book spotlights the champions of deities in the D&D® game, clerics and paladins. It's packed with ways to customize cleric and paladin characters, including:

• New feats, prestige classes, weapons, and equipment.

• More uses for turning checks, and new magic items and spells designed specially for clerics and paladins.

• Information about special organizations such as the

Laughing Knives and the Stargazers.

• Detailed maps of temples that players and Dungeon

Masters can use as bases of operation or as enemy structures that must be brought down

Indispensable to both players and Dungeon Masters, this book adds excitement to any campaign.

About Tome and Blood:

Every mystic library reserves a place for this single potent volume of arcane lore. It's packed with ways to customize sorcerer and wizard characters, including:

• New feats, spells, and magic items.

• New prestige classes, including the dragon disciple, fatespinner, and pale apprentice.

• Information about special organizations such as the

Broken Wands and the Arcane Order.

• Maps of a mages' guildhall and a home that a sorcerer and a wizard share.

Tome and Blood is indispensable to players and Dungeon Masters who want to add a new dimension to sorcerers and wizards.

To use this accessory, a Dungeon Master also needs the Player's Handbook, the

DUNGEON MASTER'S Guide, and the Monster Manual.

A player needs only the Player's Handbook.


About Song and Silence:

Bards and rogues rely on a stunning array of skills and abilities to give them an edge over any adversary. Packed with new ways to customize even the most artful characters, this book includes:

• New feats, prestige classes, weapons, spells, magic items, and equipment.

• Complete guidelines for trapmaking, including 90 sample traps.

Descriptions of a wide range of thieves' guilds and

bardic colleges.

•Detailed rules for flanking opponents in combat.

Dungeon Masters and players who want to add a new dimension to their bards and rogues will find a wealth of indispensable material within these pages.

To use this accessory, a Dungeon Master also needs the Player's Handbook, the

DUNGEON MaSTER'S Guide, and the Monster Manual.

A player needs only the Player's Handbook.