An Australian plant with clusters of bright red flowers on a long stem. Easily kept species at a minimum of 7 degrees Celsius.

The bright red flowers of this species grow in clusters on a long peduncle of up to six meters high. This Australian plant is native to the coastal areas of New South Wales and has an underground tuber resistant to drought and fires. It is an easy-to-hold type which can be kept at a minimum temperature of 7 degrees Celsius.

Sowing description: Sow seeds in sowing mix at around 25 degC. Keep the soil constantly moist. You can stimulate the germination by mixing some wood ash with the sowing mix (to mimic a forest fire).  

Family: Doryanthaceae
Scientific name: Doryanthes excelsa
Common name: Gymea Lily
Native to: Australia

Sowing time: All year round
Difficulty: Intermediate
Minimum temperature: -7 degrees Celcius

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