If you're looking for a lip-smackingly tasty treat for your dog that is healthy too, look no further than our Good Boy Super Licious dog treats range. Made with over 60% real chicken and blended with delicious superfoods that are recognized by pet parents across the country (!) these Chicken with Broccoli & Sweet Potato Bones are sure to get your dog's tail wagging. Lip-smackingly tasty - made with over 60% natural chicken. Made with delicious superfoods - Broccoli & Sweet Potato - loaded with healthy nutrients. Low in fat. Wheat free recipe. No artificial colours, flavours or preservatives. Perfect treat or reward for dogs of all shapes and sizes.
If you're looking for a lip-smackingly tasty treat for your dog that is healthy too, look no further than our Good Boy Super Licious dog treats range. Made with over 60% real chicken and blended with delicious superfoods that are recognized by pet parents across the country (!) these Chicken with Broccoli & Sweet Potato Bones are sure to get your dog's tail wagging. Lip-smackingly tasty - made with over 60% natural chicken. Made with delicious superfoods - Broccoli & Sweet Potato - loaded with healthy nutrients. Low in fat. Wheat free recipe. No artificial colours, flavours or preservatives. Perfect treat or reward for dogs of all shapes and sizes.