SKU #1351

The Bates Hot Weather Combat Hiker Boots that I am refering to are specialized footwear designed for military personnel. The specific model number  E03612B indicates a particular style and feature set that Bates offers. These boots are intended to provide comfort and durability in hot weather conditions, which is a common requirement for military operations in arid or tropical environments. Given the details you've provided, here is an overview of what these boots might include:
Height and Design: The 9-inch height suggests a boot that extends well above the ankle, which is typical for military boots to provide ample ankle support and protection from debris.
Hot Weather Optimization: These boots are engineered for ventilation and breathability to keep feet cool in hot climates. This could involve the use of moisture-wicking materials and breathable designs that facilitate air circulation.
Size Specification: The size 12.0 R refers to a U.S. men's size 1 i.02n a regular width. 

Durability: Military boots by Bates are known for their rugged construction. They often feature durable leather and abrasion-resistant nylon, which are materials that can withstand tough conditions while providing a reliable performance.
Traction: The outsoles of combat hiker boots are typically made of slip-resistant materials with aggressive tread patterns designed for grip and stability on diverse terrains.
Comfort Features: Even in a boot designed for hot weather and demanding conditions, comfort is crucial. The boots may include cushioned insoles and padded collars to reduce foot fatigue during long treks or extended wear.

Military Use: As these are combat boots, they are likely designed to meet specific military standards and may have been issued to service members or available for purchase through military supply channels.
It seems you're highlighting an important point about the differences between official military boots and more affordable options found in places like department stores. You're correct that there's a significant distinction between specialized military footwear and the standard boots available to the general public. Here's why understanding these differences is crucial, especially for those in the military or in rigorous professions:
Quality and Durability: Official military boots, like those from Belleville, Bates, or other reputable manufacturers, are designed for extreme durability and adherence to high-quality standards. They're made to withstand conditions that far exceed the everyday wear and tear that civilian shoes encounter. They often feature specialized materials for resilience in various environments, whether that's desert heat, rugged terrains, or areas requiring flame resistance.

Safety and Protection Features: Military boots often incorporate advanced protective features, including but not limited to steel or composite toe protection, puncture-resistant materials, and enhanced support for high-impact environments. This level of protection is typically not present in standard, more affordable footwear.
Regulatory Standards: For members of the military, it's not just about preference; it's about strict standards. Military footwear must often comply with specific regulations regarding materials, construction, and performance. These standards ensure uniformity, safety, and suitability for the intended operations.

Performance in Extreme Conditions: From rapid marches to hazardous environments, military personnel require footwear that will perform reliably. Specialized boots provide stability, support, and comfort during intensive physical activity, helping to prevent injuries and fatigue.

Long-Term Investment: While official military boots might come with a higher price tag, their durability and performance in extreme conditions make them a worthwhile investment. Cheap alternatives might initially save on costs, but they can wear out faster and potentially compromise safety and effectiveness in the field.
For individuals who are not in the military or a profession requiring specific footwear protections, an affordable boot may serve their needs for general use. However, for active military personnel, law enforcement officers, firefighters, and similar professions, the specialized nature of their footwear is crucial and should not be substituted with lower-quality options.