Sweet fruits which can be scooped or may be used in salads or smoothies. Species from the Andes that can be cultivated at a minimum temperature of 5 degrees Celsius.

Chirimuyas are sometimes offered on the market or in store and are deliciously sweet fruits which can be scooped or processed in e.g. salads and smoothies. The fruit flesh is white and the black seeds are clearly visible. It’s a tropical tree that is common at altitudes between 1.000 and 2.000 meters in the Andes. It’s not certain whether this is the original habitat of the species, because the origin could also have taken place in Central America. Chile is the largest exporter of the fruits, which are also known as the Jamaican apple. In nature, this tree grows up to 9 meters high, but in our regions, the species can be kept as a container plant so that it remains much smaller. In periods of drought, the tree loses it leaves. If the temperature falls down to 5 degrees Celsius, you should move the plant indoors. In summer, you can place the plant on a sheltered, sunny spot.
Sowing description: First soak seeds 24 hours in lukewarm water. Sow them in sowing mix and keep the soil constantly moist. Let them germinate around 25 degC.

Photo 1: Robinsons via blogspot