Species from eastern Africa with pods used in Asian cuisine. The pulp is sweet and sour and contains a lot of sugars, vitamin B and calcium.

The tamarind is a well-known ingredient in Asian cuisine, but it originates from the east of Africa. The species was later brought to India (currently the largest producer) and the plant is now grown in many tropical areas for its pods and hard wood. It is naturally a tree up to 25 m high with pinnate leaves and yellow flowers. The brown pods can grow to 15 cm in size and contain dark brown flesh that tastes sweet and sour and contains a lot of sugars, vitamin B and calcium. In addition to being used in the kitchen, this pulp is also made into tamarind syrup for soft drinks and a traditional medicine for fever. The species can withstand drought and bright sun and can be kept with us as a houseplant.

Sowing description: First sand the seeds with sandpaper and then soak them in water for 24 hours. Sow at 20-25 ° C in seed and cutting soil. Keep the soil constantly moist.

Photo 1: Forest en Kim Starr (CCA-3.0 Wikipedia)