for over a decade
Phone: 07706 445537, 01884 798090

ABS PUMP ECU - Replacement Unit

1K0 907 379 AD / 1K0 614 517 BD

Common faults with these units:

  1. 01130 - ABS operation implausible
  2. 01276 - ABS hydraulic pump (V64)
  3. 04FC - ABS pump motor
  4. 16352 - Control unit defective
  5. 046A - ABS operation implausible signal sporadically
  6. 3FE0 - control unit component defective


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  • How it works:

    1. Please contact us prior to purchase if you need any technical information.
    2. Please Buy Now and we will dispatch your item with next day delivery.
    3. Your replacement unit will need to be coded to your car.
    4. If you wish, you can send your ABS module to us and we can transfer data to replacement uni

    For further questions: 01884 798090 - 07706 445537


             Remove and installation service is possible

                        in our workshop in just 2 hours, please ask for quoute.

           Distance to our workshop from following cities:

CONTROLUNITS - your electronics specialis.