  • Convex mirrors can be used as traffic mirrors, outdoor or indoor, providing a wide-angle view up to 160 degrees and increasing safety in driveways, parking lots and garages. Convex security mirrors, as surveillance and monitoring system in stores, mini markets, kiosks and booths help improve security and offer great theft prevention.
  • Parking mirror for garage, help drivers to know every moment the exact position of their car, avoiding collitions with garage walls during parking manoeuvres. Safety convex mirrors for corners prevent also industrial blind spot accidents and improve employee safety in warehouses and loading docks by increasing visibility.
  • This polycarbonate convex mirror stands to impacts, practically does not break, has excellent reflection properties and does not scratch easily. Can be used both indoors and outdoors.
  • Each mirror is protected by a removable film on the front. This film should remain in place to protect the mirror during installation and only be removed once installation is complete.
  • Very easy and simple installation, mounted on a fully adjustable fixing bracket offering optimum positioning in every installation.