We assume this product is in its listed condition. There will always be detailed photos in each listing, especially specifying damage. Please assess ALL photos for damage and double check listed condition of the item before you make a purchase. 

As a reseller, we do not know specifications or part knowledge on any of our products as we do not manufacture or work specifically with these companies.

Returns are accepted on a case by case basis, if we feel you did not examine the product you were buying and no mistakes were made on the listing, NO REFUND WILL BE ISSUED. 

If this item is an electronic & cannot be tested, but is listed as a functioning unit,a full refund WILL BE ISSUED immediately upon confirmation of product dropped to ship back to us.

These products are either new, or have been checked to ensure accuracy in their listed item details.

Our products come to us in all forms from new to used to damaged, and we receive little to no information on these products. New trucks monthly, so check back often!!

**PR/HI Buyers - Due to the significantly higher shipping rates in these areas, we cannot ship products unless you pay the total shipping cost. Products with shipping costs are intended for domestic shipping regions exclusively.

** If you are in a country that is NOT part of of Global Shipping Program, shipping this item to you will need to be paid in full before we can ship the product to you