This is a lens which i have modified from an old fixed aperture slide projector lens 🤓

(sample images have been lightly edited in lightroom)

Name of Lens Block - Agfa Agomar

Mount - M42

Filter Size - NA

Fullframe, crop or film - All

Focal Length - 150mm

Aperture - F2.8

Focal Range - 1.6m to just under infinity

Weight - 395 grams

Condition of Lens Block - 9/10

Some very small dust spots only

My opinions on the lens -

Well, when i first receive this lens, i was blown away by the size of it! Thankfully adapting it hasn't made it bulkier.

At 150mm and F2.8, you would expect some kind of cool bokeh, well, yes, this lens has BOKEHHHHH!!

I frikkin love it, the balls of bokeh are insane, they're well defined and stand out!

Along with the bokeh is the colors, they're so rich and with a touch of warmth, are just superb 👏

Sharpness is good enough, its not bitingly sharp, but unless you zoom in to 200%, you will be satisfied 🤤

Flare resistance is very well handled as well 👌

Seems to be no distortion and little abberations, and microcontrast levels are great making for awesome black and white images with popping details in the shadows

The Agomar is one unique lens!

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Any questions, please ask.

Cheers 📸