1organic growth chanca piedra wild  growth
1 bottles of chanca piedra peruvian organic brand  1 bottles chanca piedra  chancapiedra 120 capsules material stone breaker phylaantus ninuri

peruvian organic growth material

may support kidney detox  (  spanish DESINTOXICADOR PARA EL HIGADO (100% Natural) para los rinones y la vesicula)

supplement facts
Chanca Piedra(as Phyllanthus Niruri)  ( stone breaker material ingredient  )                 1800 mg
guisazo de caballo 200 mg

1000 mgs x doses
suggestions doses 2 capsules

The statements made herein have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The products & the information provided on this web site are not intended to treat* diagnose*cure*prevent or mitigate any condition or *disease*. As always, consult with your health care professional before taking any-medication or nutritional supplement.
LEGAL DISCLAIMER ? The statements made herein have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The products & the information provided on this web site are not intended to treat* diagnose*cure*prevent or mitigate any condition or disease. As always, consult with your health care professional before taking any-medication or nutritional supplement. NOTE this product is not intended to cure treat any medical condition. Must use for at least 60 days in advance and in constantly use or application. ? We offer 2-day shipping and handling to ship your item and we offer USPS first class service package will could result in 5-9 days depending on carrier for delivery - please note that EBAY estimated times are only an estimation date not accurate. THANK YOU WE APPRECIATE CONTACTING US IF ANY CONCERN FIRST