Vintage Nanosaur II Hatchling, Mac Game, 3D Glasses Included, Pangea Software


In the year 4122, a Nanosaur was went into the past to retrieve the unhatched eggs of ancient dinosaur species.  The mission was a success, but Rebel Nanosaurs have stolen the eggs and taken them to off-world bases.  Now a pterodactyl Nanosaur has been sent to these alien worlds to battle the Rebel forces and bring back the stolen eggs.


Play the 3 amazing Adventure levels or play the 6 totally awesome 2-player levels including racing, battle, and capture-the-flag.


Has the option to play in true stereo 3D for a totally immersive experience

System Requirements


MacOS 10.2.8 or later, iMac G4700mhz, 512MB RAM, Radeon or GeForce 2 video with 32MB VRAM.  It will not run on G3 iMacs with Rage 128 accelerators.