This book has been a 'work in progress' since 1997.

The chapters include never before published data concerning vector analysis and electromagnetic fields in free space, normal-incidence wave reflection and transmission at plane boundaries, the absolute movement of bodies in space, the late Austrian scientist, Hasenohrl's proof of the identity of energy and mass, laws of motion and absolute speed, the cause and essence of gravitation, a short supplement by Walter Russell, space travel at faster than light speed, consciousness in Physics, a comprehensive summary & a deferred preface for Part I.

Part II examines data concerning the 'intraterrestrials' which inhabit the inner worlds, having entrances at the north pole and south pole. Numerous photos are included, showing the hollow moons Phobos & Deimos of Mars, with its underground civilization. Photos of the moons of planet Jupiter and Uranus, plus planets Mercury and Venus indicate and show domes and pyramid structures on these various planets in our solar system, which actually consists of 13 planets & not 9!

Color photos clearly show the presence of alien humanoid figures beaming themselves down from their spaceship, in the infrared spectrum, taken in Palm Springs, California, where a base exists near the San Jacinto mountains. Other data supports the facts that a worldwide system of underground tunnels spans our planet Earth. These tunnels interconnect a vast system network which humanoid intraterrestrials have used for many centuries past, when giants lived and worked inside and on the surface of planet Earth. Other extraterrestrials have visited planet Earth and are still visiting our beautiful planet via the north and south polar openings, as photos and various diagrams in the book show.