Reissue 2019 - contains one new film (Jak muze clovek prizen získati, 1926) + new texts in the booklet.

New, sealed DVD 
Czech Animated Film I (1925-1945; All surviving films from this period/ Cesky animovany film I (1925-1945; Vsechny dochovane filmy z tohoto obdobi).

This release contains all preserved Czech animated films from the years 1925-1945.
In 2013, the original edition was awareded the prestigious Best Rediscovery DVD award at Il Cinema Ritrovato in Bologna.

The reissue
 also includes the additional of the black and white film How Can One Receive Favour from 1926 as well as a brochure with information about the beginning of animated and trick film in the Czech lands. Furthermore, this new editon also includes ilustrated worksheets that are playfully aimed at young viewers.

The unique collection of all films originating from the outset of animated cinema (1925-1945) contains short-lenght, commercial or promotional films and abstract animated works.
Films created by Karel Dodal Irena DodalovaHermina TyrlovaJiri BrdeckaKarel Zeman and others are included.

Contains English subtitlesDigipack packaging. Booklet both in English and Czech.
DVDs are region all - but in PAL (so check your TV/player first).

If you are interested in Czech(oslovak) animation, we would also recommend (1) Hermina Tyrlova - Selected Works (36 films) 3 DVD, (2) Animated Films of Jiri Brdecka (3 DVD), (3) Best of Viktor Kubal Box (3 Restored Blu-ray)(4) Slovak Animated Film DVD (1966-88; 16 films) or (5) book The Dodals: Pioneers of Czech Animated Film.

Includes these films:

  1. Kouzelna tuzka / The Magic Pencil (1925)

  2. Schichtal nebo Radion / Schichtal, or Radion (1925)

  3. Vizte vse, co tropi dnes kluci dva a jeden pes! / See How Two Boys and Dog Fool around These Days! (1925) - by Karel Dodal Hermina Tyrlova

  4. Jak muze clovek prizen získati / How Can One Receive Favour (1926)

  5. Nove dobrodruzstvi Kocoura Felixe / The New Adventures of Felix the Cat (1927) - directed by Karel Dodal, animated by Hermina Tyrlova

  6. Pouceni kocoura Felixe / Felix the Cat Receives a Lesson (1927) - directed by Karel Dodal, animated by Hermina Tyrlova

  7. Bublinkove / Bublees (1928)

  8. Nejen na zemi / Not Just on Earth (1928)

  9. Sampion / The Champion (1928)

  10. Vyznamne osobnosti našeho života / The Significant Personalities of Our Lives (1928)

  11. Vzpoura repy / The Beet Rebellion (1928)

  12. Zamilovany vodnik / A Water Sprite in Love (1928) - directed by Hermina Tyrlova, cooperation by Karel Dodal

  13. Kravky tucne a hubene / Fat and Bony Cows (1929)

  14. Na nebi a na zemi / On the Sky and on Earth (1929)

  15. Není brambor jako brambor / Not All Potatoes Are the Same (1929)

  16. Plavcikem na slane vode / A Cabin Boy on Salty Water (1929) - directed by Karel Dodal, animated also by Hermina Tyrlova

  17. Vyvoj soustavne elektrisace Zapadnich Cech / The Development of Systematic Electrification of West Bohemia (1929)

  18. Bimbovo smutne dobrodruzstvi / Bimbo’s Unfortunate Adventure (1930) - directed by Karel Dodal, animated by Hermina Tyrlova

  19. Dobra kuchyne Vitello / Vitello, the Good Cuisine (1930)

  20. Obuv Krasa / Krasa Footwear (1930)

  21. Podnika-li nekdo cestu… / When One Really Craves Travelling (1930)

  22. Promena strycka Bobyho / The Metamorphosis of Uncle Bobby (1930)

  23. Spejbluv pripad / Spejbl’s Case (1930)

  24. Adi, medvidek myval / Adi the Racoon (1931)

  25. Spejblovo filmove opojeni / Spejbl’s Fastination with Film (1931) - directed by Josef Skupa

  26. Bily jelen / White Deer (1932)

  27. Hanibal v pralese / Hannibal in the Virgin Forest (1932)

  28. Jaja miluje cistotu / Johnnie Loves It Clean (1932)

  29. Hospodarovi nejlepsi pratele / The Farmer’s Best Friends (1933)

  30. Jenom tak a ne jinak / The Way or the Highway (1933)

  31. Nas uz nema nikdo rad / Nobody Likes Us Any More (1933)

  32. Tecka / A Dot (1933)

  33. Vrah zubu / A Murderer of Teeth (1933)

  34. Zenit se a nezoufat! / To Marry and not Despair (1933)

  35. Pohadka o melancholickem krali / A Fairy Tale about a Melancholic King (1934) - directed by George Pal

  36. Tajemstvi uspechu / The Secret of Success (1934)

  37. Vitez / The Winner (1934) - directed by George Pal

  38. Zahada mezniku MK 204 / The Mystery of the MK 204 Turning Point (1934) - directed by Irena Dodalova Karel Dodal, animated by Hermina Tyrlova

  39. Co nam chybi a co mame / What We Miss and What We Have (1935)

  40. Mamincin vylet do nebe / Mum’s Trip to Heaven (1935) - directed by Irena Dodalova Karel Dodal, animated by Hermina Tyrlova

  41. Nase deti / Our children (1935)

  42. Svatba o pulnoci / A Midnight Wedding (1935) - directed by Irena Dodalova Karel Dodal, cooperation by Hermina Tyrlova

  43. Tunsgram (1935)

  44. Vesely koncert / A Cheerful Concert (1935) - directed by Irena Dodalova Karel Dodal, animated also by Hermina Tyrlova

  45. Zkroceni cerneho obra / Taming of the Black Giant (1935) - directed by Irena Dodalova Karel Dodal, animated by Hermina Tyrlova

  46. Carodej tonu / The Wizard of Tones (1936) - directed by Irena Dodalova Karel Dodal, cooperation by Hermina Tyrlova

  47. Fantaisie erotique (1936) - directed by Irena Dodalova Karel Dodal, animated also by Hermina Tyrlova

  48. Maly pohled do budoucna / A Brief View of the Future (1936) - directed by Irena Dodalova Karel Dodal, cooperation by Hermina Tyrlova

  49. Pejsek Cokl / Puppy the Mutt (1936)

  50. Tajemstvi Lucerny / The Secret of the Lucerna Palace (1936) - directed by Irena Dodalova Karel Dodal, animated by Hermina Tyrlova

  51. Tluce bubenicek / The Tin Drum (1936) - directed by Irena Dodalova Karel Dodal Hermina Tyrlova

  52. Tri muzi / Three Men (1936) - directed by Irena Dodalova Karel Dodal, cooperation by Hermina Tyrlova

  53. Tunsgram (1936)

  54. Vsudybylovo dobrodruzstvi / The Adventures of a Ubiquitous Fellow (1936) - directed by Irena Dodalova Karel Dodal, animated also by Hermina Tyrlova

  55. Znejici vesmir / The Sound of Outer Space (1936) - directed by Karel Dodal & Irena Dodalova, animated by Hermina Tyrlova

  56. Hra bublinek / The Play of Bubbles (1937) - directed by Irena Dodalova Karel Dodal, cooperation by Hermina Tyrlova

  57. Jaro je tady / The Spring Is Here! (1937) - directed by Karel Dodal Irena Dodalova, cooperation by Hermina Tyrlova

  58. Letime raketou / Flying a Rocket (1937)

  59. Nezapomenutelny plakat / The Unforgettable Poster (1937) - directed by Irena Dodalova Karel Dodal, animated by Hermina Tyrlova

  60. Pisen podzimu / An Autumn Song (1937) - directed by Irena Dodalova Karel Dodal, cooperation by Hermina Tyrlova

  61. Praci prehlidka / A Washing Parade (1937)

  62. Strevicek / A Little Shoe (1937)

  63. Smudlik a Leskulnika / Slattern and Glossie (1937) - directed by Irena Dodalova Karel Dodal, animated by Hermina Tyrlova

  64. Vsechno pro trhanec / Everything for a Scrambled Pancake! (1937) - directed by Karel Dodal & Irena Dodalova, animated by Hermina Tyrlova

  65. Dulezite 2 minuty / The Crucial Two Minutes (1938)

  66. Myslenka hledajici svetlo / Ideas In Seach of Light (1938) - directed by Karel Dodal Irena Dodalova, animated by Hermina Tyrlova

  67. Protest / The Protest (1938) - directed by Irena Dodalova Karel Dodal, cooperation by Hermina Tyrlova

  68. Technika rozhlasu / Radio Technology (1939) - directed by Karel Dodal

  69. Prani k Novemu roku / Happy New Year! (1940)

  70. Carodejuv ucen / The Sorcerer’s Apprentice (1943)

  71. Laska a peníze / Love and Money (1943)

  72. Ferda Mravenec / Ferda the Ant (1944) - directed by Hermina Tyrlova

  73. Neposlusny zajicek / The Mischievous Bunny (1944) - screenplay by Jiri Brdecka

  74. Pohadka o Popelce / Cinderella (1944)

  75. Svatba v koralovem mori / A Wedding in the Coral Sea (1944) - cooperation by Jiri Brdecka

  76. Povetrnostni domeček / A Meteorological House (1945) - cooperation by Jiri Brdecka

  77. Vanocni sen / A Christmas Dream (1945) - directed by Karel Zeman & Borivoj Zeman

Aspect Ratio: 4:3
Audio: original Czech Dolby Digital 2.0
Subtitles: English, Czech SDH
Runtime: 418 min

Shipping: Tracking priority delivery worldwide (usually to the US from 5 to 10 working days; Europe to 5 working days).