A very controversial game created by MECC. Rewritten from disk image to NOS disk. Includes photocopy of the manual. If you need a game that is not listed for sell please let me know and I will see if I have a copy.

The game was developed with help of an African-American consultant who guided MECC on appropriate graphics and dialect that represented the era. It is recognized as one of the first video games dealing with the topic of slavery.

The game was meant to be used in a school curriculum when it was released in late 1992, but most schools simply released the game to students to play without prior lessons. This led to numerous parents complaining to MECC and their schools on the racially offensive nature of the game, and threatened to sue MECC. Though MECC offered to make changes to alleviate these concerns, the company ultimately pulled the game from sale.

Players choose one of two characters (male or female). Attributes such as literacy, and ability to swim, are randomly generated providing the player with different experiences during each play through. If the player's character is illiterate, written signs and notes appear onscreen as indecipherable symbols. Literacy also affected other areas of play. If they do not receive a pass, players are also given the option to forge a pass if the player's character is able to read and write.

Freedom! was the first educational game to use an open world environment simulating real world areas of Virginia, Maryland, and Delaware.