Every pet parent wants wholesome, natural nutrition for their pet. Stella and Chewy's raw diets focus on pure ingredients and raw protein so you can feed them as nature intended. At Stella and Chewy's, we believe that pure raw nutrition fed in its natural state is the best way to help your pet thrive. Our limited ingredient recipes are simple and pure. Each batch of our Freeze Dried Meal Mixers Dog Food Topper starts with 90% or more meat, organs and bone and is often a single source of animal protein - the perfect solution for pets with food sensitivities and in need of allergy relief. Each protein, whether it’s beef, fish, lamb, pig, duck, turkey or chicken, is grass-fed, cage-free or wild caught to guarantee your pet is eating as nature intended. All of the produce in our dog food topper recipes is 100% organic certified, grown by farmers we trust. Our all-natural Meal Mixer recipes are crafted with care in our own USA kitchen to provide the highest levels of protein rich meat and quality grain-free nutrition for your pet, as if they were in the wild. In the Stella and Chewy's kitchen, we take time to craft each freeze-dried recipe in small batches from the world's finest ingredients. All of our ingredients are responsibly sourced. With low carbohydrates and no fillers, legumes, artificial colors, flavor or preservatives these SuperBlends meal mixer recipes will feed your dogs wild side. The snack or meal topper is suitable for puppies, adults and all breeds and sizes, from French bulldogs and shih tzus to golden retrievers, chocolate labs and poodles, as well as picky eaters. We include only the super good stuff in our dog food — that’s the Stella and Chewy’s guarantee. Our mission is to provide the highest quality natural pet food with an emphasis on nutrition, palatability, safety and convenience.