Puppy Linux collection

Nobody offers anything like this for sale

Some of the puppies that are included on DVD/USB:

  • Ubuntu Focal 64
  • Ubuntu Bionic
  • Ubuntu Bionic 64
  • Ubuntu Xenial
  • Ubuntu Xenial 64
  • Slackware 15.0
  • Slackware64 15.0
  • Slackware 14.2
  • Slackware64 14.2
  • Void ..
A mostly complete collection of current 32 and 64bit puppy versions referenced on puppylinux do com and available on either DVD or USB flash drive. The DVD and USB versions are mostly identical, with a few exceptions:
Reading and loading from a flash drive will be faster than from DVD.
Flash Drives may have a small amount of extra space available for storage.

Try them all and you can install the one you like to USB, SSD or hard drive for full functionality as even though you can make saves before shutdown or reboot, they won't be loaded on reboot as no changes can be made to the puppy boot configuration on the media.

BionicPup 8.0
Built with woof-CE using Ubuntu 18.04 Bionic Beaver
It comes in both 32bit & 64bit versions that can boot in both BIOS and UEFI enabled computers.
Linux Kernel 4.19.23
- Palemoon, DeadBeef, quickpet, pburn, JWM, change_kernels, Gnumeric, AbiWord, MPV, Samba, jwmdesk,
Geany, Simple Screen Recorder, mtPaint, dunst, Transmission, pkg, uget, osmo etc.
woodenshoe-wis Rox filer.
Rox now has copy and paste!
Compton compositor set up as default.
Adds subtle shadows to windows and menus.
Matching JWM, GTK2 and GTK3 themes.
Claws-mail now has a tray icon.
Steps findnrun now default in tray.
Tweaked retrovol ffconvert, swapped for qwinff.
Homebank is back.
Sunfish chess, guvcview, redshift-gui, janky_BT bluetooth,
gpick instead of gcolor, take A Shot instead of Screeny.
Minimum System Requirements: Core2Duo CPU 1GB RAM
Recommended: Core2Duo CPU 2GB RAM
A Hard Drive is not required
32bit & 64bit

built with woof-CE using Ubuntu 16.04 Xenial Xerus
It comes in both 32bit & 64bit versions that can boot in both BIOS and UEFI enabled computers.
The 32bit version has kernel 4.4.95-noPAE for better compatibility with older hardware
while the 64bit has Kernel 4.9.58 for better modern hardware support.
- JWM window manager and ROX file manager.
- Palemoon browser and Claws mail client.
- FTP, Torrent and Chat applications.
- MPV media player, Simple Screen Recorder and Deadbeef audio player.
- Abiword word processor and Gnumeric Spreadsheet
- Vector and Drawing applications.
- Samba file sharing, CUPS printing and CD/DVD utilities.
- Quickpet, a utility to easily install to the most popular additional applications, OS updates & bug fixes
- Lots of in house puppy-specific applications such as Pburn, Uextract, Packit, Change_kernels, JWMdesk, YASSM, Pclock,
SimpleGTKradio as well as a wide range of many other up to date programs and utilities.
Minimum System Requirements: 1000MHz CPU 768MB RAM
Recommended: 1600MHz CPU 1GB RAM
A Hard Drive is not required
32bit & 64bit

Slacko Puppy
Built with woof-CE using Slackware 14.1
It comes in both 32bit & 64bit versions that can boot in both BIOS and UEFI enabled computers.
Linux Kernel 3.14.55
Latest bugfixes from upstream Slackware64 - 14.1.
New kernels following LTS branches of 3 series built with f2fs support and 4 series kernels.
New "change_kernels" script to easily change kernels.
Many Icon and Graphical User Interface improvements throughout the system.
Ffmpeg and supporting programs including Pmusic and Mplayer.
Joe's Window Manager (JWM).
Visual and bugfix improvements to the tools to configure JWM, including the new PTheme,
a global theme manager for JWM and ROX desktop.
Updated Firefox ESR.
Improvements to the graphical firewall program.
Samba, used to share files with Windows, is shipped by default.
evince pdf viewer.
Many other updated programs.
Minimum System Requirements: 733MHz CPU 256MB RAM
Recommended: 1600MHz CPU 1GB RAM
A Hard Drive is not required
32bit & 64bit