By popular demand, this listing offers a mix of Jumbo Gold (Italian, Manchurian), Jumbo Brown (Pharaoh) and Celadon (True Blue) Coturnix Quail Hatching Eggs.

Jumbo Brown & Golds

Average female weight at maturity (10 weeks) is 10-14 ounces. Males are around 10-12 ounces. Jumbo eggs will be 11-18 grams. Please note, Jumbos can lay regular and large-sized eggs.  


You may hatch a variety of colors such as Rosetta Tuxedo, Tibetan Tuxedo, Silver Tuxedo, Dotted Whites, and White Splashes (See listing video). Average weight at maturity is between 8.5 -12 ounces. These are standard sized quail but could reach jumbo sizing (10+ ounces). Eggs will average around 10-16 grams.


We ship the eggs in custom foams via USPS Priority Mail within 24-36 hours of the eggs being laid. We keep our hatching eggs in a 55-60 degree temperature-controlled fridge pointy end down.

Disclaimer: Due to unknown shipping & incubation factors (temperature, humidity, x-ray, rough handling, etc.), we can't be responsible for the hatch rate. However, please don't hesitate to reach out to us if you have any questions or issues. We monitor the tracking #'s for every order and will reach out if we see an abnormal delay in transit (5+ days).Hatching eggs are checked every week by our breeders to ensure 95%+ fertility.

If you have ordered a mix set with Celadons included, please note that you will receive blue and standard-colored eggs. The female offspring from the Celadon blue eggs will lay true blue, and the rest of the lines in the order will lay standard beige-speckled colors. 

We take great pride in providing top-notch customer service and know how important and exciting your hatching egg adventure is to you. 

Incubation Recommendations

-Turn on the incubator and allow the temperature to stabilize to 99.5* F and between 35-45% humidity.

-Inspect your shipped eggs for cracks/damage. Do not put those in the incubator.

-Rest your shipped eggs for 12-24 hours pointy side down at room temperature before incubating.

-Set your eggs in the incubator, turning at least 4x per day

-Incubate for 14 days and check temperature and humidity often

-Move eggs into lockdown after 14 days. Remove egg turners and place eggs on hatching trays, preferably on a rough surface, so the chicks will not slip on plastics/foams.

-Increase humidity to 65%

-Around day 16-18, chicks will start hatching. Waiting 24-36 hours before removing chicks to avoid shrink-wrapping the remaining eggs.

Brooding Recommendations

-Prepare the brooder a day or so before the chick hatch.

-The temperature should be 85* F in the coldest part and ~105* F in the hottest section.

-Put room temp or warmer water and food near the heat source so the chicks can easily access them

-Feed should be 28-30% starter crumble for the first six weeks

-The temperature in the brooder can be lowered by 5*F per week

-After seven weeks, the feed can be switched to 16-22% layer protein