Description: Rust Trim, Rust & Gray Flowers

Status: Discontinued. Actual: 1980 - 1983

If you found this listing, you have a good idea of what it is and I hope you chose to buy it.

I am always willing to provide more photos or details. I default shipping to USPS Parcel post, we can try FEDEX Group if the shipping seems excessive. But USPS is my preferred shipper.

**** NEW OTHER **** Buying and selling china is one of my most enjoyable things I do! I look for never, rarely used sets, if I find a piece that is chipped, cracked or has signs of crazing, I discard it. On occasion if I choose to include such a piece I call it out on the first line of the description. Neither of us wants to be unhappy!

If you do receive something that does not meet your expectations, send me a note, let’s find resolve!


On a personal note: I’ve been selling on eBay on and off for 25 years, in 2007 I became an auctioneer. In 2013 we moved from Rochester, MN to Peoria AZ where my health began to fail. In the spring of 2000 I lost my right foot followed by a series of set backs and surgeries. So, selling on eBay is both my physical and mental therapy.

I try to live by the following principles: The Supreme Gift

“Patience. Kindness. Generosity. Humility. Courtesy. Unselfishness. Good temper. Guilelessness. Sincerity. All these things make up the Supreme Gift, and are there in the soul of whoever wishes to be in the world and close to God.”

Henry Drummond