I picked the punches up at an estate sale. The punches have beaded numbers. Each number is made up of round like, raised cylinders and then dome shaped at the top. I have had a few of the number sets, but not like these. May be for special detailing work on a variety of things like leather soft precious metals and hard metals, maybe even saddles ???
  The punches may have some vary, vary light rust spots, but it does not stand out at all. They are pretty much black colored. All the beads are there on each number. Each punch is marked, 1/8 and it's number. Each punch has finger groves and also marked GRUV GRIP and R F. 
  The groves and all makers markings are on one side of the punches, except the # 6 / # 9 punch. Both numbered sides are marked fully, and only one side has the groves. Nice Old Tools !!!
 Thanks for looking and if you have any questions, just message me.