Potbag Black Tea Lipton (40s x 2g), Malaysia Tea, Uncang Teko Teh Lipton.

Lipton Yellow Lable Tea is simply a perfect international fusion, with the taste of great black tea. Made from selected tea leaves by using T-Max technology, every dipping result is perfect for the great, rich and aromatic taste.

Makes delicious ‘Teh Tarik', too!,

Only the best quality tea leaves for the finest international level tea blends in Lipton's Teapot Sachets.

Every serving offers a fresh, delicious taste and special aroma for your ideal cup of tea. T-Max Filter technology gives you the best brew brownish gold in colour that sets Lipton Tea apart from the rest.

Lipton Teapot Sachets is easy to prepare and makes a great serving. It also makes delicious ‘Teh-O' and ‘Teh Tarik'