Lucky CHARM Magick Buck Eye imbued with SUCCESS, prosperity spells,  Midas touch Spell Magnet to Wealth, Sexy Money, Prosperity, Success Magnet and rainbow dyed jade Gemstone.

Triple cast with my most effective spells TO MAKE EVERYTHING YOU TOUCH A SUCCESS!

This tailsman  will remove blocks and help you to be prosperous in any venture you undertake!

Business, Prosperity, Career Advancement, Wealth, Job search, Drawing extra CASH, Relationships, Gambling, Lottery, Being at the Right place at the Right time, Finding unexpected WEALTH, Good luck,

Don't feel greedy or guilty about wanting to be wealthy!

Everything falls into place when you have enough money to fulfill your needs!

With bonus triple cast spell to bring MONEY, WEALTH, PROSPERITY and SUCCESS.

If you carry a buckeye in your pocket, and it'll bring you good luck. Just like a rabbit's foot or a horseshoe or a four-leaf clover, the buckeye attracts good fortune. When you first put one in your pocket, in the fall, right after the nut-like seed has ripened, the buckeye is smooth and round.

Buckeye dimensions 35mm width / 25mm height/ 19l7mm depth with 6mm green jade gemstones beads.

Question: Does the magic work straight away?

It depends on you and where you are currently in your spiritual development. Since each person is an individual, it is difficult to give an exact time frame as to when you will experience full results.

The more you use the magick item, the stronger and quicker your results will be. You can also place item in between your palms and meditate with it and you can also put the item underneath your pillow at night and sleep.

Law requirement states that spells and paranormal objects are for entertainment purposes only and that I cannot take any responsibility for any activity that may or may not occur in association with this item. Blessed Be!!!!