
Model: RGB -full color

Wavelength: 4W red: 638m-1W, green: 520mm-1W, blue: 450nm-2W

5w  red: 638m-1W, green: 520mm-1W, blue: 450nm-3W

Power: 3000-5000mw

Output stability: ± 5%

Spot mode: multimode

Beam divergence angle: < 2mrad

Outlet spot size:

4W: 5.0 * 2.0mm

5W: 4.0 * 6.0mm

Adapted power supply:

4W:DC12V/2A, overall power consumption 24W

5W:DC/12V-3A, overall power consumption 36W

Modulation frequency: 0-20KHz,TTL

Working life: 10000-12000 hours

Working temperature: The optimal working temperature for this product is 11-35C, suitable for temperatures of -20-50C, and working at temperatures above 50C need to install a ventilation and heating system

Packaging mode: OEM


1pc 4W/5W White Light Red/Green/Blue RGB Laser Module