For sale here is a complete capacitor kit for the original Xbox. This will work for any version motherboard but read below before you buy!


- you will receive 11 capacitors in total. You will not use every capacitor.

- There are two groups of main caps in green. You need to match the correct caps with your motherboard. You can do this by matching the stats of the caps on your motherboard. The stats are on the edge of your caps. It will either be 3300uf 6.3v or 1500uf 6.3v. just replace your busted caps with ones in this kit that match the stats listed on the sides.

- this also includes a third group of one single cap. This is for the clock cap. This cap will not match the stats of your old cap, the UF will match but the volts will be higher. This is an upgrade to your clock cap and a very expensive cap. This is a high end cap that will last MUCH longer than the clock cap originally used on the original Xbox console. This will prevent clock cap leakage for many years. This clock cap will work both for the 1.0-1.5 motherboards as well as the 1.6.

- the two main groups have five caps each, but some motherboard versions only need 3, so depending on your version, you may have some of those left over too.