This delightful graphic novel, titled "Dog Man: Brawl of the Wild", is a must-read for kids and adults alike. Created by the talented author Dav Pilkey, who is also the mastermind behind "Captain Underpants," this book is perfect for those who enjoy comics and graphic novels. The story follows the adventures of Dog Man as he fights off all sorts of foes, from bank robbers to giant robots.

With 224 pages of action, humor, and heartwarming moments, this hardcover book will be a great addition to any book collection. Published by Scholastic, Incorporated, this book is suitable for all ages, from kids as young as two to adults. Its compact size of 8.6 inches in length, 5.7 inches in width, and 0.7 inches in height, and weight of 19.6 ounces, makes it easy to carry around and read on the go. Get your hands on this fantastic book today!