Introducing the Yukon Cardioid Microphone – where innovation meets functionality in the most unexpected way. This compact, lightweight, and highly portable microphone isn't just your ordinary audio recording device. It's a revolutionary leap in ergonomic design, featuring a unique "sticky touch" rubber housing.

But wait, there's more! This isn't just any stickiness – it's a premium feature that we're offering. Why, you ask? Because this special coating is not a flaw, it's a feature! The stickiness is actually a state-of-the-art grip enhancement, perfect for use in the harshest of conditions. Whether you're in a humid rainforest or a windy desert, this microphone clings to your fingers like a loyal friend, ensuring you never lose your grip on your audio needs.

And the magic doesn't stop there. The rubber coating, which transfers to your hands, is an innovative way of marking your territory – literally. Your fingerprints on the microphone are a testament to its use, a unique signature that says, "This high-quality audio device is mine, and it's been through adventures with me."

Let's not forget the technical prowess of this microphone. It comes with a self-contained power supply capable of providing up to 300 hours of uninterrupted operation. Its effective wind protection system significantly reduces background noise, ensuring crystal-clear recordings even in the most challenging environments. The digital volume control, via small push buttons, is a touch of modernity that complements its rustic, sticky charm. Plus, with the built-in 1/4" thread mount, attaching this microphone to any daylight or night vision optics is a breeze.

So, for an extra $1, you're not just buying a microphone; you're investing in a unique, sticky, and steadfast companion for all your audio recording adventures. Embrace the stickiness – it's not just a feature, it's a revolution in microphone technology!


Back to reality, the original specifications of the unit are as follows. However, it's important to acknowledge that despite being properly stored, the unit has inevitably succumbed to the effects of time. The rubber housing has developed a peculiar stickiness, and there's visible flaking on both the earbud and microphone foam. Given these signs of age, this item might be best suited as a source of spare parts for those who appreciate the value in salvaging and repurposing components from a once state-of-the-art device.

The cardioid microphone is compact, lightweight and very portable. The microphone features a self-contained power supply that is capable of providing uninterrupted operation for up to 300 hours. Effective wind protection significantly reduces the background noise of air currents. Volume is digitally controlled by means of small push buttons. The built in 1/4" thread mount makes it possible to attach the microphone to mostly any daylight or night vision optics.


Included Accessories