
Property Management Software 'PMplus'


This version handles up to 75 Rentals ..... You can upgrade to more rentals as needed

  • Tenant/Owner information - printed by Name or Rental number order
  • Posting Rents by Tenant Name or Unit number
  • Tracks partial payments, late payments and payments in advance
  • Reports Late Rents with all pertinent tenant information
  • Shows Vacancies and Expired Leases
  • Prints Plain Paper Rent Statements with up to 4 extra charges
  • Handles a mix of single family, multi-family and commercial rentals
  • Manages many checking accounts or trust account operation
  • Auto check writer for repetitive expenses and loan payments
  • Detailed income and expense listings for any building
  • Complete tenant payment history available instantly
  • Prints Rent Receipts
  • Reconciles with bank balance as of any date
  • Auto Ledger Detail statements for Owner, Building or Unit
  • Auto Operating statements by Building or Owner, for any month
  • View Reports on-screen or print all or part - as needed
  • Tracks Bank Charges
  • Mailing Labels for tenants and payees
  • Email or Fax all reports direct from program
  • Download Income and Expenses to Money or Quicken
  • Create any type of custom report  using  Crystal Reports Software
  • Fast and Easy to use - few key stokes required

Multiple Owners Features:

  • Maintains extensive information on Buildings/Owners
  • Calculates and posts Management Fees automatically
  • Posts and Prints checks to Owners automatically
  • Prints Owner 1099 IRS forms automatically at year end
  • Calculates and Posts Tenant Deposit Interest\
  • Prints Owners account Balance Report on demand
  • Mailing Labels for Owners . System is very fast and very compact

* All new purchases include the best support in the industry Free for Thirty days

* Annual lease included in price .....

                   Designed and Supported by Realty

Upon receiving your payment you will be emailed the code to download your PMplus Program

No CD is Needed or Provided