dog barking collars
dog barking collars
dog barking collars

The main number on the screen can display and count the number of consecutive triggers of this backing collars.

dog barking collars

Barking Collars with Innovative Trigger System

dog barking collars
dog barking collars


Q: Why doesn't the product work when the dog barks?

A: Please first ensure to fit the product snugly. yet loose enough to allow onefinger to fit betweenthe strap and your pet's neck Some dogs has weak barking in this case you will need to level upthe sensitivity level Thick coat on theneck area may also have small chance to decrease thesensing from thebarking, trim the coat near the area where you place the product.

Q: Why is the product triggered sometimes in a noisy environment thoughthe dog isn't barking?

A: Though we have optimized the barking detection to the best, some envi-ronment noises mayhave similar frequency to barking which may have smallchance to activate the product Please lower the sensitivity level.

Q: Can I use the product when there are other dogs playing around?

A: Dogs will bark when playing and get excited, for the comfort and safely ofyour pet, we don't suggest using this product in such environment.

Q: How do I know if I can use this product for my pet?

A:The product is designed for healthy dogs over 6 months old.Most impor-tantly, this productcannot be used on unhealthy,or aggressive dogs and ifyou are unsure whether this product isappropriate for your pet, pleaseconsult your veterinarian or a certified trainer.

Q: Can this product stop my dog's howl?

A: No, this Bark Control Collar is designed to detect the barking only. ltcannot detect or stop the howling.

Q: Can I charge this product with any type of charger?

A:No, you are suggested to charge this product with charger of 5V outputvoltage, becausecharger with output voltage of 9V or 12V may causedamage to the product The product willstop charging automatically if inputvoltage becomes too high and the power indicator turns red.

Q: Will my dog stop barking completely?

A: The Bark Control Collar effectively and humanely stops all barking whenit is worn. It should only be worn during periods of unwanted barking.

Q: ls the Bark Control Collar safe and humnane?A: Yes. The Bark Control Collar is designed to get your dog's attention, notto punish him. However, the initial Static Shock correction may startle yourdog.


  • Electric shock/vibration/sound icon: displays the currently selected mode, and works in the order of that mode after triggering.
  • ·Electric shock intensity: In electric shock mode, three gears of LMH can be adjusted, with the highest gear being H.
  • ·Number of barks: increases after each recognition of barks, achieving protection and recalculation.
  • ·Sensitivity: The test mode displays the "TEST icon" in gear 0, with sensitivity in gears 1-5 and the widest in gear 5.
  • · Protection mode for Electric shock only : After the seventh operation, a protection icon will appear. Stop recognition.
  • ·If the battery level is below 0-20%, it will display one grid, 20-70% will display two grids, and 71-100% will display three grids
  • ·Circle: Correspondingly displays the currently selected mode, and triggers the function of releasing according to time during operation, flashing in sequence.