Here is Pete Dexter's shocking, fascinating tale of a world where intimidation and violence reign supreme. BROTHERLY LOVE unfolds on the mean streets of Philadelphia; a world where a young boy named Peter finds out that his uncle has ordered the execution of his father. The tension and suspense build steadily as Peter moves in with his uncle and his cousin Michael and the two boys grow up to take their separate, yet
inextricable paths.
Chris Sarandon
For Peter, the punishing honesty of the boxing ring becomes all important, while Michael chooses the path of cynical manipulation, using anyone to get what he wants. Inexorably, their paths
converge when Michael eagerly exploits the groupies at a local TV dance show and Peter finally mentally breaks with his cousin and their relationship spirals downward.
The explosion, when at last it comes, is over-whelming. We look on in horror and fascination as both young men are sucked into a chilling round-robin of betrayal and
blood retribution.

New, sealed in original packaging.