Maxell 399 SR927W Watch Battery 1.55v Button Cells with Silver Oxide Technology

The 399 Battery is also a replacement for equivalent batteries:
SR927W, SR57, SR927, SB-BP/EP, 280-44, W, V399, D399, 613, GP399, 926E, 399, AG7, AG-7, LR927, GR927, SR927SW, CX926, 399X, 399A, SR57H, LR926, SB-BP, SR927PW, SR327W

The Maxell 399 is a button cell battery designed for use in small electronic devices, particularly watches and other compact gadgets. Here are some typical specifications and characteristics of the Maxell 399 SR927W watch battery:

  1. Type: The Maxell 399 is a silver oxide battery. Silver oxide batteries are commonly used in watches due to their stable voltage output over time.

  2. Nominal Voltage: The nominal voltage of the Maxell 399 is 1.55 volts. This voltage is standard for silver oxide watch batteries.

  3. Alternative Names: The Maxell 399 is also known by alternative reference numbers such as SR927SW or SR57. These alternative names are based on industry-standard coding.

  4. Size: The Maxell 399 is a button cell battery, indicating its small, coin-like shape. Button cell batteries are often used in devices where a compact power source is required.

  5. Common Applications: This battery is commonly used in watches, but it may also be suitable for other small electronic devices like calculators, hearing aids, and some medical instruments.

  6. Chemistry: The chemistry of the Maxell 399 is silver oxide, which is a stable and reliable chemistry for applications that require a steady voltage output.