Outside of something like Ham On Rye, this is probably the most bang you're going to get for your buck.

This functions as sort of a greatest hits or maybe a portfolio.  A sampler of HST's writing, from early, mostly straight pieces, to a NY Times Magazine feature on hippies, to a couple of columns written for Scanlon's, Rolling Stone articles and selected selections from a couple of the big boys.

I read all of the Fear and Loathings back decades ago but when I got this I read it practically cover to cover in one sitting.  Then, a week later I read most of it again.

This late in the game it's not so much the shock and awe of the Gonzo approach as much as it is (similar to Mr Bukowski) his ability to knock em dead with a simple, concise and infinitely true knockout sentence.  And there are plenty, usually coming just at the right time.

Plus it's fun to revisit the Watergate stuff as there are entire pages that ring true in 2020 as much as they did in 1973.  

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