1-1 Greed and Peasant Land
1-2 To Have and to Hurt
1-3 Gang of One
1-4 Always Torn
1-5 Lust Roulette
1-6 Adrift Again
1-7 Radio Edna
1-8 Everything at Once
1-9 Gary's Going Down
1-10 Skin Storm
1-11 A Wounding
1-12 In Liverpool
1-13 Boys Will Be Boys
1-14 The Loss
1-15 A Pint of Bitterness
2-1 Tattered, Tangled and Torn
2-2 Headful of Dreadful
2-3 Saturday Insanity
2-4 Laughing Larry's
2-5 Gatling Gun
2-6 Quality of Mercy
2-7 Here Endith the First Lesson
2-8 Little Boy Lost
2-9 Hard Feelings
2-10 Lift Your Eyes to Where She Dwells
2-11 Fallen Open
2-12 Swim
2-13 The Swing of Things
2-14 Gang of One Revisited
2-15 Skin Storm (Original Single)