Financial Abundance Perfume| Prosperity Oil| Money Oil| Success Potions| Pheromone Oils| Lucky Oil| Wealth oil| Gambling Perfume| Fast luck

This beautiful powerful spell cast financial abundance and prosperity oil , attraction money, pheromone oil, orgone infused oil charged with magick crystal's energy to bring

Good LUCK, LUCK in job promotion, career success, business growth,



Draw forth amazing luck, excellent timing and winning!! 

Lady, lady, lady luck will smile upon you!

Success and fortunate opportunities.

Potent higher luck.

Amazing and almost impossible wins, wins.

Better chances timing and instincts

Victory and glorious wins 

This magickal spell casted bottle will cleanses, recharges and removes all negativity from your oil and your spell cast oil will continue to be even more powerful and stronger.

This beautiful bottle is self charging. It has a renewable energy that will never diminish! so keep bottle as a lucky charm forever.

You will benefit from your magicak oil more than ever before!

You will receive a large 10 ml roller bottle of potion. It is enough for many, many uses.

Rub on body to invite money energy
Add to baths
Rub on front orgone pendant or any items.
Keep bottle in your left bra or pocket
Use in black or green candles for spell casting.
Use oil while you're meditating or visualising
Rub on the inside of door way.
Anoint your wallet, bills, debit cards etc.
Sprinkle some drops around your work space
Keep the bottle around your work space
Add a small amount in your hair.
Add to anything you want to bless.
Use in mojo bags
Use on incense and oil diffuses
Use in honey jar
To cast your own spells (write your request on paper and anoint with potion)

I like to rub this behind my ears, on my wrists and elbows and a little on my neck.

Please test a small amount on your skin before using - these oil blends are infused with herbs and essential oils.

Directions: As you use this oil, think of what you are wanting to manifest/your intentions. You may state them aloud, think of and/or visualize them. Once your intentions are set, relax and release any attachments to outcomes. While remaining detached, take aligned actions towards your goals/desires and allow the energy to work through and around you to help bring your manifestations into reality.

Some mantras  for manifesting financial abundance and prosperity:

"I feel like a money magnet."
"I always see evidence of large financial abundance in my life NOW."
"I am aligned with the energy of wealth and abundance."
"I allow prosperity to flow into my life."
"I am allowed to have success and happiness."
"My life is rich and full."

Law requirement states that readings, spells, and paranormal objects are for entertainment purposes only and that I cannot take any responsibility for any activity that may or may not occur in association with this item. Blessed Be!!!!