A remote viewing spell castings is adding spells onto an item that you have purchased with spells and without spells.

Remote viewing spell casting work by emailing me pictures of your item you want spell  charge

Put the item in your left Palm and take the picture, and then you will email it to me.

Everything has a vibration, frequency and codes,  so therefore, anything can be programmed/given a purpose( charged).

Please message me on what you want to be charged on your item..

Beautiful/Attraction spell

Good health spell

Love spell

Money spell

Lottery winning spells

Business spells

Psychic ability spell

Weight loss spell.

Open road spells

Any other spells

I will always cast a free remove negative energy from the item first, and then I will  add on your chosen spels.

Please remember it is possible to programme/ charge anything from any reality/ timeline. If you have any questions, please message me.

Law requirement states that  spells and paranormal objects are for entertainment purposes only and that I can not take any responsibility for any activity that may or may not occur in association with this item. Blessed Be!!!!