All your animal friends will find a home in the schleich® Pet Hotel! Your schleich puppies can romp on the doggy obstacle course, the cats love their scratching post, and even the guinea pig is crazy its little seesaw. Check-in at the schleich® Pet Hotel is now open...stay as long as you like!

This animal hotel leaves nothing to be desired! The nice keeper takes care of her animal guests and always has enough space for everyone. The hamster, rabbit and guinea pig play hide and seek in their little dens. But a crunchy lettuce leaf quickly lures them out. Meanwhile, the kittens are climbing all over the scratch post. The two puppies prefer to have their adventures outside. They balance along the seesaw, slide down the slide and run through the tunnel. The little billy goat watches all this with curiosity, and every now and then baas in disapproval.