Very old. Please note: few pages are missing from front and back of book, including title page and publish/copyright page. Book begins on dedication page. Literature ends on page 426. Pencil markings are present on front and back inside covers

Boston: L. C. Page & Company, 1908. First edition. Montgomery's first book and the first in the Anne series. This copy is green cloth (one of three cloth variations, no priority established).

An instant best seller upon its publishing in 1908, “Anne of Green Gables” is a witty and charming story about an eleven-year-old, orphaned girl with a determined imagination and a knack for adventure. Sent to Prince Edward Island, Anne finds herself mistakenly living with the Cuthberts, who were expecting a young boy to help on the farm. Within the sleepy, old-fashioned town of Avonlea, Anne encounters unexpected adventures and charms her neighbors with her lively spirit. As a work that inspired films, musicals, and a further series of books, “Anne of Green Gables” remains in the hearts of millions and encourages young girls to pursue their dreams, while remaining cognizant of important matters of the heart.

“It's been my experience that you can nearly always enjoy things if you make up your mind firmly that you will.” -- Anne of Green Gables