A Sword from Galway, Fiction, First Edition, 1948 Hard Cover.  

311 pages, no illustrations.

Review from Kirk Book Reviews:

The ""Captain from Castile"" goes back to Columbus' day and conquers, yet again, the new land, in his own way... Out of Ireland, where he is a Norman descended foreigner, apparently betrayed by his Gaelic sweetheart, Chieftain De Mulvey- fleeing his thwarted romance- goes to Spain where, first adverse, then anxious, he joins Columbus' world- shaking flotilla, ceding his place on the Santa Maria to the Castilian Lady Carla, sought by the Inquisition. Sailing with the youngest Captain, Pinzon, De Mulvey experiences a new love in a new land, is saved by his faithful wolfhound, Crom Dubh, as is his unwilling wife, Carla. And with his voluntary exile in Haiti in the colony- Villa La Navidad- he learns the ferocity of the natives, the treachery of those left behind by Columbus. To him, after the loss of his Spanish wife in childbirth, comes the fulfillment of his real love when he returns to Ireland and Fiona and his position of importance in the fortunes of Connacht. A 16th century romance, with all period, historical decorations, that has dashing adventure, action and love to offer.