64 x 100g Cesar Natural Goodness Adult Wet Dog Food Trays Chicken in Gravy

64 x 100g Cesar Natural Goodness Adult Wet Dog Food Trays Chicken in Gravy

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100% complete wet dog food made with quality, natural ingredients.Dog food trays that come with superfoods and prebiotics.  Adult dog food with chicken, garnished with courgettes, blueberries and herbs.Chicken dog food with blueberries, an excellent source of manganese. Wet dog food with a grain free recipe.

At CESAR, were all about sharing the joy of true friendship. Those everyday moments of shared joy between you & your bestie are what really makes a difference in life. We believe that really good dog food has the power to spark even more moments like this.

CESAR NATURAL GOODNESS grain-free dog food with chicken, courgettes, blueberries and herbs.

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