100% birch chaga mushroom. Weight 1 kg

Chaga tea has been used by people since ancient times to treat various ailments.
It has antimicrobial and antiseptic properties. Regular consumption of chaga extract prevents the development of heart and vascular diseases by reducing blood cholesterol levels and improves the condition of patients with atrophic gastritis. How to brew chaga correctly? There are many ways on the Internet, which one is right is up to you. Here is one as an example: To prepare herbal tea, you should take 1 part of crushed birch chaga, pour 5 parts of hot water, about 80-90 degrees, and let it brew for 2 hours, then strain. To improve the taste and increase the benefits, it would be good to add honey, lemon, rose hips and mint to the tea. We care about our customers, so we offer only high-quality eco-friendly products. Chaga tea is used as a sedative, stomach, kidney, and cleansing. Herbal infusions will perfectly complement your evening with friends or a holiday in your home.
This is the purest product collected in the purest Siberian forests